Site Terms

Home delivery

Shipping cost on the website is 50 NIS for purchases over 500 NIS – free shipping (permanent sale) 7 business days to the requested address (on product launch days/ promotions and discounts up to 10 business days).


Exchanges will be made up to 14 days from the day the product was purchased.
An exchange can be made as long as the product has not been opened, is packed in its original packaging and has not been used.
(Sometimes we will ask for a picture of the product to make sure it does meet the above requirements).

The replacement process

You are given 2 options to exchange a product:

1. through the shipping company;
A courier comes to pick up the package from you and hands you the new shipment.
Additional shipping costs are at the customer’s expense.
The product must be packed inside the outer shipping box with which you received the shipment,
If you do not have the original box – pack it in another box so that the product is not damaged on its way to us.
2. Arriving at the winery; You can contact us and arrange an arrival to make an exchange.
Phone number – 050-3012955


You can exchange a product up to 14 days from the day of ordering the item.
A return can be made as long as the product has not been opened,
Packed in its original packaging and has not been used.
(Sometimes we will ask for a picture of the product to make sure it does meet the above requirements)

Cancelling a transaction

In the event that a customer requests to cancel the order after the shipment has left,
The transaction will be canceled and the payment amount will be returned to the customer minus 5% of the order amount and shipping fees (50 NIS)
In the event that a customer requests to cancel the order before the shipment leaves,
The transaction will be canceled and the amount paid by the same payment method will be returned to the customer without financial deduction.

Pre-order – an immediate purchase method for items that are out of stock and expected to be replenished or a new product that will be available for purchase on the website.
Pre-ordering allows you to guarantee immediate delivery of the product (along with the order you placed in addition to it) upon its return to stock.
Delivery time – 7-30 business days.

More info

For any questions, you can call our customer service:
on the number – 050-3012955 and on WhatsApp to the same number.

1. The Julia Winery website (hereinafter: the website) is a website on the Internet that manages a virtual store for the public on the Internet in Israel.

2. Action on the website This is every action of purchasing products offered on the website.

3. Anyone who performs an action on the site declares that he is aware of the site regulations and the rules of participation on the site and accepts them, and that he does not May he and/or anyone on his behalf have any claim and/or claim against the website owners and/or or its operators and/or anyone on their behalf, except for claims related to the violation of obligations of the website owners and/or its operators According to these regulations and rules of participation.

4. Residents of Israel aged 18 or older who legally hold an Israeli credit card (local or international (valid.
You can also make purchases without using a credit card by coordinating the payment and ordering by phone.

5. The delivery of the personal details in the order form is done at the customer’s will and with his consent. Filling out the details indicates on the customer’s consent to their delivery.‬

6. The purpose of providing the personal details is to allow the Julia Winery Company to deliver the products to the customer and to learn from the customer about ejaculation His opinion regarding the purchase of the products. The customer’s credit card details are also required in order to complete the deal.

7. Julia Winery takes all measures at its disposal to protect customer privacy and data confidentiality. Secured at the highest level, and protected against malicious or accidental hacking using advanced technology.‬

8. Julia Winery manages a database registered, according to the Privacy Protection Law, with a database registrar. This information, secured by the most advanced means, contains the details provided by the customer when making the purchase .

9. In no case does Julia Winery transfer data, personal details or e-mail addresses to a third party that is not With the express consent of the customer, in writing and in advance, with the exception of the transfer of transaction details to the credit company for the purpose of billing and the customer’s details To the postal authority or the delivery company for the purpose of making the delivery.‬

10. Julia Winery will offer for purchase on the site products of the types and quantities as it deems appropriate, according to its choice and sole discretion .

11. Julia Winery has the exclusive right to add and/or subtract products offered for purchase on the site as well as to determine the quantity The products offered for purchase, the method of purchase and the purchase price.

12. All the products offered on the site are original, new, in their original packaging, without defects, unless otherwise noted and explicitly stated otherwise in the sales title and product description.‬

13. Julia Winery reserves the right, at its sole discretion, not to deliver a certain product, if And the product is out of stock.

In such a case Julia Winery will notify the customer of the cancellation of the deal, or alternatively, offer him an alternative product.

14. Julia Winery does its best to provide customers on the site with most of the information required for making a decision about buying The product. The details published on the website include the image of the product, and its details as much as possible. However, the images shown These are for illustrative purposes only and do not bind Julia Winery.

15. In the event that there is a difference between the product details in writing and the image published on the website (for example – regarding the appearance of the bottle ) The written data is binding.

16. The participating products on this website and their prices are valid for the existing stock only.

17. Julia Winery reserves the right to change the products and their prices at any time and without prior notice .‬

18. The price of the products on the website does not include delivery to the customer’s home.‬

19. In the event of a discrepancy between the price and/or description of a product as it appears on the website, and its price and/or its description, as it appears in the books of the Julia Winery, the price will be determined in the books of the Julia Winery. In this case The consumer will be entitled to receive the full consideration paid for the product, if he informs Julia Winery in writing of the cancellation of the transaction Before the product is delivered to him, or if he informs Julia Winery of the cancellation of the deal within 14 days from the date who was supplied with the product, whichever is later.‬

If it is decided by both parties and with the agreement of Julia Winery, the customer will be able to receive a refund for the product (not including the additional shipping fees) minus a 5% credit fee.

20. The prices of the products displayed on the website include VAT, unless otherwise stated on the sales page.

21. As part of the purchase of a product on the site, the person performing the operation must register on the site and fill out a form An order, while entering all the required details. Providing the requested details is a condition for participating in the purchase of the products offered for sale on the website, but is not obligated according to Law.‬

22. You can join Julia Winery’s e-mail distribution list and receive notifications regarding special offers or updates on the site. You can also be removed, at any time, from this distribution list. The joining or removal can be done By contacting via e-mail, or regular mail.

23. The details of the operation on the site and the details of the order to purchase a product on the site, including the details of the operation on the site will be transmitted through a protocol Encrypted SSL security for Julia Winery’s data processing computer.

24. The customer selects a product (it is recommended to review the sales page before making the purchase) and makes the purchase in accordance with the instructions on the website .

25. It will be clarified and emphasized that the completion of the sales procedure via the telephone as mentioned above is conditional on the product being offered for sale being available In stock when the sale process is completed.

26. The purchase transaction will only be completed after Julia Winery receives approval from the credit card company for the payment , in accordance with the work procedures that exist between them and Julia Winery.

27. In the event of a dispute regarding the types and quantities of products ordered, the registration in Julia Winery’s computers is decisive.

28. Julia Winery will charge the customer, using the credit card he provided, for the price of the product on the website, plus shipping fees as detailed on the sales page.

29. The delivery date of the products detailed on the sales page is on working days counted from the date of receipt of approval for the transaction from the credit company of the orderer.
Julia Winery does its best to advance the delivery date and/or adapt to the needs of the customer, subject to to the policy of the Postal Authority and the delivery companies.‬

On the days of product launches, promotions and non-routine days there may be delays in delivery delivery days.

30. The conditions of the postal authority (or of any other body through which the delivery will be made) will apply to any delivery of a product through the website, and each customer will be charged.

31. The delivery times of the products/services as indicated on the sales page include only the calculation of business days .
(Sundays to Thursdays, not including Fridays, Saturdays, holiday eves and holidays).‬

32. Shipping fees can be paid separately or together with the payment for the product.

33. If the customer requests to change the address for delivery, and subject to the approval of this request by Julia Winery, they will be counted The working days from the date of approval of the address change request by Julia Winery.

34. Julia Winery will not be responsible for any delay in the delivery of the product that is not under its control.
In the event of a delay in delivery, the customer may cancel his order and receive his full payment back.‬

35. The delivery of the products will be made to the customer’s home in any way that is coordinated with the customer, and all this accordingly and subject to to the working conditions of the postal authority or the delivery company on behalf of Julia Winery.‬

36. It is hereby clarified that if the delivery company on behalf of Julia Winery is unable to make the delivery the products to the customer’s home and/or for any reason, including due to the location of the customer’s home and/or Due to the conditions of the delivery company on behalf of Julia Winery, the customer is entitled to collect the products from any entity that holds in the products no later than 10 days have passed from Julia Winery’s notification to the customer via e-mail.‬

37. The shipping fees include the cost of normal shipping, which includes bringing the product to the customer’s apartment or workplace or to the post office next to his place of residence.

38. The delivery of the product is only personal, at the hands of the orderer only and upon presentation of the identity card of the orderer at the time of delivery.
If the orderer does not accept the product under his sole responsibility, a power of attorney must be given on his behalf as well as his 17th to the recipient the ordered product.‬

39. A customer who wishes to cancel the order before the product is sent to him may do so by sending a cancellation message over the phone To serve customers of Julia Winery without any charge.

40. If a customer wishes to cancel his order after the product has been sent to him, he can do so by contacting Phone Julia Winery, within 14 days of receiving the product. In this case, only after confirmation In advance with customer service and receiving approval, the customer can return the product on his own or at his own expense to the winery c and Lia. A refund will be given minus a 5% credit fee.

A refund will be given no later than 48 hours after receiving the product and this only if the product has not been used and is kept in its original packaging.

41. A condition for canceling an order is keeping the packaging intact.
If the product packaging has been opened, the order cannot be cancelled.
There is no possibility of returning a product that has been used or tried by the customer and/or is not in its original packaging.

42. A condition for canceling an order regarding products delivered without packaging is that no use is made (even the smallest) in the product).

43. The customer must check the product immediately upon receiving it, if the customer received the product damaged, or When the product specifications differ from the specifications published on the website, the customer may cancel the transaction within 14 days Receiving the product, by means of a cancellation notice by telephone or in writing to Julia Winery’s customer service detailing the reason for the cancellation, all In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981

44. In any case where, due to factors beyond Julia Winery’s control, it will be impossible to manage the site As amended, to deliver the products or meet another of his obligations, Julia Winery will be entitled to cancel the contract with the buyers, all or some of them. For example: computer malfunctions, malfunctions in the telephone system or malfunctions in other communication systems , any damage and a security incident.

45. If factors and/or events beyond the control of the website owners and/or its operators delay/or prevent the sale of the products, of any kind, in full or in part, and in any way, and/or the delivery of the products published on the site at the appointed times, and/or will be affected by computer malfunctions and/or The telephone systems and/or any other means of communication in completing the purchase process, this or that, on its various forms, and/or if due to hostilities and/or any other factor of force majeure will prevent and/or damage the process of purchasing the productsin any way, or the delivery of the products and/or if changes in tax rates and/or levies apply Applicable to the products between the date of publication of the product for purchase and the scheduled delivery date according to the terms of purchase the product, Julia Winery may cancel the contract with the buyers, all or some of them and/or stop the Website activity.‬

46. ​​If there is a mistake in the description of the product, its price, the terms of payment, the image of the product or any other informative material, or upon receiving the data from the offer submitter, Julia Winery may cancel the specific purchase and the fee for submitting the purchase offer will be returned.

47. Julia Winery’s customer service center is available to customers on the website and those ordering through it. The hotline handles and assists with the issues of website use, website registration, inquiries, questions, product delivery and complaints.
Phone: 050-3012955 or by e-mail through the website.

48. Julia Winery reserves the right to change these regulations and these rules of participation from time to time. Only the rules that will be published The site’s regulations will obligate the operators of the operations on the site.

49. In the event of a dispute concerning the purchase of a product on the website, for everything involved and arising from it, the place of jurisdiction will be exclusive in the courts only.

Welcome To Julia Winery

By entering this website
I confirm that I am over 18 years old

Warning: Contains alcohol – it is recommended to avoid excessive drinking